Movies for Sale on Amazon Save Up to 50%

There are tons of movies for sale on Amazon right now including the amazing Criterion Collection and Arrow Video. Save a lot of money, up to 50% off retail price, on these movies. Don’t worry, if you don’t know what the Criterion Collection or Arrow Video are, I’ve tried to explain it below.

What is the Criterion Collection?

You might be wondering what the Criterion Collection is before you check out the movies for sale on Amazon. Well, according to their website, here is how they explain it:

The Criterion Collection is a continuing series of important classic and contemporary films on home video. Our editions often include restored film transfers along with commentary tracks and other kinds of supplemental features, which we pioneered with the release of our first laserdiscs, Citizen Kane and King Kong, in 1984. Ever since, Criterion has been working closely with filmmakers and scholars to ensure that each film is presented as its maker would want it seen and published in an edition that will deepen the viewer’s understanding and appreciation of the art of cinema.

Criterion Collection Movies on Sale at Amazon

Here are some Criterion Collection movies for sale on Amazon:

You can browse through the list of Criterion Collection movies on Sale at Amazon here. You’ll find that some movies are up to 50% off retail price which makes it a great deal for amazing quality!

What is Arrow Video?

Now, Arrow Video also does restorations of movies and puts them on DVD and Bluray, but they mainly focus on horror and cult classic movies. There are a ton of GREAT Arrow Video movies on sale at Amazon, snatch them up before they’re gone!

Arrow Video Movies on Sale at Amazon

Find some Arrow Video movies for sale on Amazon below:

You can also expect to save up to 50% off retail price on these movies as well. Take a look around and get ready for Halloween early, here’s the list of Arrow Video movies on sale at Amazon.

Stay tuned for more movie reviews here at, check out my review of The Dead Don’t Die. You can also check out my Movie Channel on Youtube: Lets Talk Movies.