PS5 Pre Orders Sold Out and This is My Theory

PS5 pre orders sold out in minutes when they were first announced back on 9/16/2020 and everything we get more PS5 pre orders, they sellout again. Why? Well there are 2 main reasons:

  1. People really want a PS5 and want to play awesome first party games on the PlayStation 5 console. There is a lot of hype behind the PS5 because fans are really loyal to the PlayStation brand.
  2. Resellers use bots to buy PS5s in bulk (buying multiple PS5 consoles automatically) and put them up on eBay or other sites for much more than retail price.

Now, we’ve seen how Burger King is doing a PS5 giveaway contest and their giving away 1,000 PS5 consoles. For more information check out Burger King’s website here:

I have a theory (this is completely fictional and for entertainment only) which can be seen in the video above. What do you think?

Make sure you read my previous article in regards to PS5 pre orders here.